Customer Experience Management

Your path to sustainable success. Creating an excellent customer experience and effective after-sales management is crucial for businesses today. An exceptional customer experience goes beyond the purchase and establishes a lasting bond with customers. Satisfied customers are the key to long-term success and your competitiveness in a dynamic market. Digital Twins. Discover how our digital […]

Asset Management

Always in tune with your devices. Whether you need details on individual devices or statistics on entire product categories, both are always available to you in real-time. Our task management function also reminds you of important tasks related to specific devices. The compliance function ensures that your devices meet the required standards and helps you […]

Service Management

Every touchpoint counts. No matter the requirements and goals of your service team, with sqanit, you will find the perfect solution for your service management. Modular and flexible features effortlessly adapt to even the most complex scenarios.This allows you to offer your customers the ideal balance between AI-powered self-help and personal communication. End-to-end service communication […]